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장바구니 이동

교사연수 프로그램

    교사연수 프로그램
    교육대상 : 초등학교 교사
    교육기간 : 방학 3주 과정 (월~금)


  • TESOL 전문 운영진들에 의한 맞춤형 TESOL 커리큘럼 구성 및 교과목 내용 개발
  • 영어교육(TESOL/ESL/TESL) 전문 교사(석사 이상), 초등 교육학 및 영어학 출신 교사의 전문성 높은 강의 제공
  • TESOL 전문 강사진(석사 이상)들이 연구·개발한 자체 교재 사용 및 연수생 전원 수업 동영상 촬영 및 분석으로 교수법 및 수업 활동을
    공유하고 교수진의 1:1 피드백 제공으로 전문성 신장
  • TESOL Foundations Study Strand(이론)와 TESOL Advanced Study Strand(교수법 신장)의 두 부분의 구체적인 교과과정을 제공하여 이론과
    실제의 통합 모형 구축
  • 초등 영어교육에 대한 토론 및 교육생들의 의견을 표현하는 세미나 실시 및 질의응답 시간을 통해 TESOL 전문 강사진의 교수법 공유
  • 배치평가(Placement test)를 통해 수준별 그룹 편성 및 연수생 눈높이에 맞는 원어민 교사의 맞춤형 수업 진행


과목명 수업내용
Theory 1. Introduction to Language Learning
2. Theories of Language Learning
3. Theories of Learning and Language Development
4. 1st and 2nd Language Acquisition
Language Development 1. Foundation and Theories of Language Acquisition
2. Language Acquisition Discussion
3. Analysis of Language Samples
4. Stages of Language Acquisition(Review)
5. Individual Differences in Learning
6. Strategy Use in Language Learning
7. Understanding of Role of Community and
Parents as Resources to Support Language Learning
Teaching Techniques 1. Various Language Teaching Approaches
2. Planning Effective Lessons
3. Incorporating Visuals and Realia for Language Support
4. Multimedia
5. Use of Technology to Enhance Learning
6. Organizing Content and Curriculum to Promote Language and Literacy Development
Classroom Management 1. Organizing Content and Curriculum to Promote Language and Literacy Development(Review)
2. Use of Technology to Enhance Learning
3. Consideration of Computer-Based Tools(Computer-assisted language) Learning-CALL-and Computer Assessment
4. Group Formation
5. Practical Classroom management in an educational field
Lesson Planning 1. TESOL Methodology
2. Practice lesson plan, delivery, feedback
Practice Teaching 1. Material Development
2. Practical Preparation, Simulation & Feedback and Classes
3. Reflection as Part of Teaching
4. Action Research to Monitor Effective Teaching
5. Plan for continued Growth as a Teacher
6. Various Language Teaching Approaches(Review)
7. Planning Effective Lessons(Review)
8. Incorporating Visuals and Realia for Language Support(Review)
9. Implementing Pairs and Groups for Language Practice and Growth
10. Differentiating Instruction for Varied Learning Styles
11. Examining Task-Based Learning
Assessment & Test 1. Formal Assessments understanding design, results, and interpretation
2. Teachers-made Assessments to include Observation, Anecdotal Records, Portfolios, Rubrics
3. Theoretical elements of the development of foreign language related questions based on theoretical learning about basic principles and procedures of tests.


1 09:00~09:45 Orientation Language
Theory Teaching
2 10:00~10:45
3 11:00~11:45 Placement Test Teaching
4 12:00~12:50 Completion
Lunch 13:00~14:00 Lunch  
5 14:00~14:50 Placement Test Lesson Planning Lesson Planning Lesson Planning
6 15:00~15:50
7 16:00~16:50 Theory Classroom
Theory Classroom
8 17:00~17:50
Dinner 18:00~19:00 Dinner
9 19:00~19:50 Special Lecture Practice Teaching Practice Teaching Practice Teaching
10 20:00~20:50

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